
The Show Me State

For as long as I can remember, the midwest has always been known for its hospitality and loyal sports fans. Whether it's tailgating hours before a game or cheering on the home team so loud it's hard to hear yourself think, St. Louis fans showed me that they're one of the best in baseball! (this coming from a Yankees fan).

This was a unique visit for two reasons. First, it was great taking a trip with a best friend to see another best friend play ball in the big leagues. Secondly, it was fun to promote bubucheek around the midwest by handing out promotional cards and talking to the "show me state" residents in hopes of attracting newcomers to the website and blog.

One thing I will never forget from this trip is that 30,000 people attended Wednesdays 12:45 pm game. Whether it was kids getting a day off of school or people taking a half day of work, STL fans were there in full effect to support their team. It was pretty awesome to see.

700 Clark Street St. Louis, MO

A little pregame photo with Tyler Greene, our first Celeb to rock the bubucheek.

STL SS Tyler Greene

The infamous ARCH in St. Louis. I'm rockin' my Bubucheek Dog Tag
while Tyler Greene sports the signature Big B.

A lofty view of Busch Stadium.